Empowering Coastal Communities

Preserving Ghana's Sea Turtles

Join us in our mission to protect marine wildlife and foster sustainable communities along Ghana’s coast.

Our Mission

Conservation.  Education.  Community Transformation.

At Turtle Up, we are dedicated to the conservation of Ghana’s sea turtles through a holistic, community-based approach. Our initiatives focus on conservation, education, community transformation, and sustainability. By integrating local communities into our efforts, we aim to create a harmonious environment where both marine wildlife and people can thrive together.

Turtle Up is dedicated to inspiring global action by transforming knowledge into practice and championing healthy marine ecosystems with a specific focus on sea turtles.


Our Initiatives


Educate a new generation that considers its environment in all decisions. We’ve developed STEAM curriculum for English-speaking students so they can develop a world that considers the impact of sea turtles and all marine life in decisions.


Work hands-on with locals from coastal communities in Ghana on sea turtle conservation and preservation. Take a trip of a lifetime where you get to immerse in a new culture and volunteer your services to help with turtle conservation, preservation, and education!

Current Projects


Organizing a new kids soccer team in Kokrobite, Ghana to engage youth in positive activities and promote teamwork and community spirit.


The research we can perform with this is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies and ensuring the survival of these endangered species.

Our work is aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals

The framework for our work is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  (https://sdgs.un.org/goals). Our signature pedagogy is fair trade learning which includes collaboration at all stages of our work and a community approach to conservation. In addition, we value responsible travel and consumerism.

Turtle Up Values: 1) transparency, 2) respect for self,  others, the environment, and the knowledge of the communities with whom we partner; 3)  collaboration; 4) integrity; 5) sustainability; and 6) equity & inclusion.

Turtle Up’s work positively impacts all the SDGs directly or indirectly.